Much Ado About Nothing
Director's Note
Welcome to Brampton’s Own Shakespeare Show. This is our very first season, and I’m so happy that you are here to share this experience with us.
Much Ado About Nothing is my absolute favorite Shakespeare comedy, so it only made sense to start the BOSS festival with this show. My hope is to focus on Shakespeare’s comedies for the next few seasons, as I think we can all agree that we’ve had enough tragedy in the last 2 years.
One of the most interesting questions in this play is “Who is the villain?” On the surface, one could assume that Don John, the Prince’s brother, is the villain. He does say after all “it must not be denied but I am a plaine dealing villaine”. However, when I look at the two couples in this play, and how their courtships unfold, I cannot deny that there is at least one other, even more sinister villain in this play.
And that’s the patriarchy! The women in this play barely speak at all, and I am always amazed at how the problems Beatrice and Hero face in this 400 year old play are some of the same problems women face today. One is independent, witty and doesn’t want to get married - and everyone in her life tells her she needs to find a husband! As if becoming a wife must be the ultimate goal for all women. The other is the “perfect woman”, beautiful, mild, obedient - but she can still have her life ruined by the words of a man. Honestly, there is much to be desired in the land of Messina, as much as there is in North America today. It is my belief, as a feminist, that the men in this play have much to learn about being a good person. Let’s all watch together and see if they can’t grow and redeem themselves by the end.
I truly hope that you have a fantastic evening here at the Brampton’s Own Shakespeare Show. We’ll be stopping the action twice for questions, so please don’t be shy and raise your hand. It is my ultimate goal to make as many people fall in love this summer, with Shakespeare, with outdoor theatre, and with our Brampton parks. Sit back, relax and enjoy!
Thank you,
Yvonne Dhanoa
P.S. And if you have 2 min after the show, please fill out our audience feedback survey. It would be so helpful to hear what you think… this festival is Brampton’s Own after all.
Cast & Crew Roster
Much Ado About Nothing
July 28 to August 13, 2022
Chinguacousy Park | Mount Pleasant Square | Ken Whillans Square
Sponsors & VIP Donors
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Gold Donors
Becky Rynor
Bridget Bezanson
Gurneesh Bhandal
Kitty Furlotte
Lakhbir & Bhupinder Dhanoa
Matt Lawrence
Narges J
Patricia Fimiop
Renée Gauthier
Samantha Batch
Vel Evans
Silver Donors
Clayton Corbierre
Laurie Soissa
Leonard Graeme Lottering
Nadia Kerr
Robert J. Givens
Sarah Harwood
Sarah Prospero
Sehaj Gill
Shibah Gill
Viviana Evangelista
Special Thanks
Aaron Ally
Aaron Jan
Adriano Sobretodo Jr.
Andy Ingram
Carrie Libling
Danny Harvey
Denis Gauthier
Gord & Rejeanne Stuart
Jagpreet Singh Dhanoa
Katherine Belshaw
Laura Lukasik
Melanie East
Michael Vickers
Nicole Gauthier
Paul Major
Peter Suchostawski
Rose Marie Gauthier
Scott Lale
Shane Scott
Steven Schipper
Taylor Shannon
Valerie Nantes
Vikki Velenosi
4Cats Art Studio